« A team is not a group of people that work together.
A team is a group of people that trust each other. »
Simon Sinek


197, boulevard Saint Germain
75007 Paris


29, quai François Mitterrand
14000 Caen


West Avocat a team of lawyers and experts

in French, International and Economic Law, settled both in Paris and Normandy
West Avocats office's picture in Paris

With both law and economics culture, West Avocats provides advices, accompaniments for development, and defends midsize companies, involved into any kind of activities. 


West Avocats offices are settled in both Western France (Caen-Normandy) and Paris. West Avocats qualified lawyers are appointed to institute legal proceeding before any Court in France.


Listening, analysing, summarizing, evaluating risks and opportunities, we are doing our best efforts to build with our clients the most appropriate and efficient law strategy to increase and secure their business development.

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